Autodesk Inventor

Autodesk Inventor is a design CAD software that made by Autodesk. Autodesk Inventor is a software development from his pioneer software in CAD software, likes AutoCAD and Mechanical Dekstop. This software made with many advantages by the software pioneer. Many kinds feature are served in this software that better than the software pioneer, it’s like make a sketch for 3D is easier on editing than mechanical dekstop. Let’s read this article before you learn more about Inventor, introduction of Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk Inventor tutorial basic.

The Introduction of Autodesk Inventor

This software made to compete another several CAD 3D software likes Catia, SolidWorks, Pro-E, Siemens and etc. In this software there are served 3 different displays because they have different function that is part model, drawing, and assembly.

The Basic Display of Autodesk Inventor

“The Display of Autodesk Inventor”

This is the visible image from the basic display of Autodesk Inventor software before it running. Many kinds feature are served by this software. Start from drawing part model then metal sheet and etc. In this software we were also can use engineering analysis like stress analysis or fluid flow analysis.

“Example Design of Inventor”
“The Example Design of Inventor”
“Example Design of Inventor”
“The Example Design of Inventor”

The Kinds of Inventor Tool Bar

  • Line

to make a line or angular on sketch image.

  • Rectangle

Rectangle is tool to make a square line on sketch image.

  • Circle is menu tool to make a circle on sketch image.
  • Polygon is a tool to make a square that having 3 or 4 or 5 sides and so on on sketch image.
  • Slot

Slot Menu : to make a slot (a shapes that having 2 center circles that related) on sketch image.

  • Text : Make a text on sketch image.
  • Text

Extrude is menu for making a thickness on 3D model.

  • Hole
Hole is tool for making a hole or thread hole.
  • Revolve
Resolve menu for making a model by rotating sketch until becomes 3D model.
  • Swept

Swept is to make a model based on sketch by following swept sketch.

Thanks for read this article the introduction of Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk Inventor tutorial basic. After you learn this article you can read other tutorial here like how to make a part in Autodesk Inventor.


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