Let’s learn again about Autodesk Inventor tutorial, on this occasion I would like explain about how to calculate weight in Autodesk Inventor. In this software you can know how the weight your part that you made in Inventor easily. I think you can be calculating weight in Inventor, but you could not calculating weight in autocad.

How to Calculate Weight in Autodesk Inventor

For first step, just prepare the part that you want to calculate the weight. I will use I-Beam steel that I have made in Inventor and I will calculate the I-Beam steel to know the weight in kilogram. You can choose what’s unit that you need, you can choose kilogram or gram, or lbmass or slug. Read my other tutorial about how to change unit in Autodesk Inventor in other page.

  • Please make a part or preparing your part that you want to calculate the weight.

  • Klik File Menu in the top screen then select iProperties and then click it.

Calculate Weight in Autodesk Inventor

  • After that, the screen will show like picture below, and then select Physical, Click Update to calculate the weight of your part.

Calculate Weight in Autodesk Inventor

That’s all my explanation about how to calculate weight in autodesk inventor. If you’ve got problem when you follow all of my instruction, please feel free to comment or email to me to ask about the problem. Share this article if this article helpful on your social media.



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