Design spur gear or other gear is easy now, cos we can use CAD software to create spur gear. You just need to know what the parameter of component to begin create spur gear in Autodesk inventor or other gear. It’s like number of teeth, module, center distance, pressure angle. Just some click in Autodesk Inventor and wait a second then the gear is ready. Tutorial of CAD will show you how to create spur gear in autodesk inventor, before we showed you how to create spur gear in solidworks. Let’s follow me to know how to create it in this inventor tutorial.
How to Create Spur Gear in Autodesk Inventor – Inventor Tutorial
– First step, you open the app. Click New and choose Metric templates then choose Standard (mm) .iam and click Create.
– Click Design menu on the top, and choose Spur gear. Follow my picture below if you don’t understand.
– After you choose Spur Gear, You will be asked to save the file, cos the file must be save before you design the gear. Select OK and then wait a second.
– After that, you will see Spur Gears Component Generator, fill all that you need. If you don’t know you can follow my instructions below:
– If you want to create only 1 gear, you have to choose No Model in Gear 2. Fill all like above and click OK the wait a second. You will see the windows that you have to write the file name, just type the name and choose the folder then click OK.
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